13. 3. 2012

ČEZ partnerem prestižní konference

Společnost ČEZ bude partnerem prestižní mezinárodní konference o vývoji „chytrých“ technologií v energetice ve středoevropském regionu. Konference s názvem Smart Utilities Central and Eastern Europe 2012, které se zúčastní také vrcholoví manažeři ČEZ, se uskuteční 15. a 16. května 2012 v Praze.

Smart Utilities Central and Eastern Europe 2012

15. a 16. května 2012 Praha

Make sure to participate in the only smart utility conference exclusively dedicated to the CEE region, giving you the insights and practical tips you need to confidently deploy your 'Smart Utility' strategy.

  • Network with 200+ established stakeholders representing the region's entire value chain from regulators, governments, utilities and solution providers
  • Learn from 25+ industry experts how to set your roadmap towards smart utility deployments that guarantee positive cost-benefit analysis. Key perspectives include CEZ, Smart Power Grids Consortium Poland, SC Electrica, Tauron and many more
  • Get practical insights and experience from leading international and regional smart grid projects, outlining the business opportunities created by the deployment of smart metering and smart grid technologies
  • Discover innovative smart grid technology and expertise showcased by 20+ leading solution providers at the unique supplier pavilion