24. 1. 2008

A schedule of significant IR events

Company: ČEZ, a. s., like CEZ Group

Financial year: 2008

Confirmation of the reporting*) The latest term**) Anticipated term***)
Preliminary non-consolidated financial results for 2007 Y 25.2.2008
Preliminary consolidated financial results for 2007 Y 25.2.2008
Finacial results - non-consolidated - audited for 2007 Y 30.6.2008 28.2.2008
Financial results - consolidated - audited for 2007 Y 30.6.2008 28.2.2008
Year-end financial statements of subsidiaries that are part of the CEZ Consolidated Group Y 14.3.2008
Related Parties Report Y 31.3.2008 31.3.2008
Year-end financial statements of associates that are part of the CEZ Consolidated Group Y 31.3.2008
ČEZ, a. s., Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Y The second half of April
CEZ Group Annual report for 2007 - electronic, only Czech version in print Y 30.4.2008 30.4.2008
CEZ Group Annual report for 2007 - English version in print Y 12.5.2008
Financial results - non-consolidated - 1. quarter 2008 Y 2.6.2008 15.5.2008
Financial results - consolidated - 1. quarter 2008 Y 2.6.2008 15.5.2008
Financial results - non-consolidated - 2. quarter 2008 Y 1.9.2008 14.8.2008
Financial results - consolidated - 2. quarter 2008 Y 1.9.2008 14.8.2008
Semi-annual report for 2008 Y 1.9.2008 1.9.2008
Financial results - non-consolidated - 3. quarter 2008 Y 1.12.2008 13.11.2008
Financial results - consolidated - 3. quarter 2008 Y 1.12.2008 13.11.2008
Preliminary non-consolidated financial performance results for 2008 Y 25.2.2009
Preliminary consolidated financial performance results for 2008 Y 25.2.2009
Financial results - non-consolidated - audited for 2008 Y 28.2.2009 27.2.2009
Financial results - consolidated - audited for 2008 Y 28.2.2009 27.2.2009

*) Confirmation (Y/N) which results shall be provided by issuer

**) The latest term for presenting of the results for the finacial year in accordance with the timetable of part III. of the PSE rules.

***) Date on which the information shall be published and reported by the issuer.