25. 9. 2008

Announcement of a merger within ČEZ Group

ČEZ, a. s., registered office Prague 4, Duhová 2/1444, postal code 140 53, ID 452 74 649, hereby announces that on 1st October 2008 the merger by acquisition between ČEZ, a. s. (ČEZ, a. s. being the successor company) and the dissolved company Energetika Vítkovice, a. s., registered office Ostrava Vítkovice, Výstavní 1144/103, postal code 706 02, ID 2585412 shall take effect. As of 1st October 2008 the assets of the dissolved company Energetika Vítkovice, a.s. including its rights and obligations arising from labour relationships shall pass to ČEZ, a. s.