19. 11. 2014

CEZ sent an expression of interest for a stake in Slovenské elektrárne

Today CEZ has sent an expression of interest for 66% stake in Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., which is currently owned by Italian Enel. Integration of CEZ and Slovenské elektrárne would bring synergies in operations and development of nuclear and hydro power plants in both countries. CEZ also expressed the necessity of detailed analysis and resolution of outstanding issues related mainly to construction of Mochovce nuclear power plant.

Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., operate nuclear, hydro and coal power plants with an installed capacity of 5.7 GW, which produced 22.8 TWh of electricity in 2013. Slovenské elektrárne reported EBITDA of EUR 710 million and net profit of EUR 356 million in 2013.