11. 2. 2009

Finalizing of the takeover of Turkish distribution company Sedaş

Inside Information

Finalizing of the takeover of Turkish distribution company Sedaş

AkCez Enerji Yatirimlari Sanayive Ticaret A.Ş., the joint venture of CEZ Group and Turkish Akkök Group which has been founded for taking over the 100% shares of Turkish electricity distribution company Sakarya Elektrik Dagitim A.Ş. (Sedaş) as instructed by the Privatization Authority, will be taking over 100% shares of Sakarya Elektrik Dagitim A.Ş. today (11.02.2009).

USD 300 million of the total acquisition price of 600 million USD will be paid in cash, the 2 years-deferred payment option of the Tender will be used for the remaining payment amount. We intend to publish a press release concerning the matter later today after the signing.