26. 8. 2010

Issuer’s NOTICE of profit from interest payment and nominal value repayment

ČEZ, a. s. announces that starting from 27 August 2010, the Administrator, Komerční banka, a. s., shall pay the interest on bonds, 2007/2010, ISIN: CZ0003501520, interest rate of 4.30% p. a., for the yield period from 27 August 2009 to 26 August 2010 (inclusive), and repay the nominal value of the bond.

 Entitled to the payment of interest on the bonds specified above and the nominal value repayment in accordance with the bond issue terms and conditions are those owners who had them registered on their asset accounts with the Central Securities Depository at the end of 27 July 2010. The interest and the nominal value repayment shall be remitted by banking transfer to accounts kept in the Czech Republic based on written request for transfer with certified signature submitted to the administrator; legal entities shall also submit the original or certified copy of their valid extract from the commercial or similar register not older than 3 months. 

Address of the Administrator :                      

Komerční banka, a. s.,

Václavské nám. 42

Dept. 5940

Issuer Service Centre

114 07  Prague 1