29. 6. 2015

Specification of the outage length of the NPP Temelín Unit 2

Following the inspections, which were conducted so far, the length of the Unit 2 outage for the repair of the steam generator has been extended to four weeks. At the moment, the reconnection to the grid should take place at the end of July. Unit 2 is currently cooled down and a controlled drainage of the steam generator is being under way. Adjacent to the drainage systems, there was radioactivity measured in the range from 0.00025 to 0.005 millisievert per hour. This roughly equals to those figures, which passengers face during long-haul flights. There were no radioactive substances outside the equipment of the power plant.

As a part of the outage activities, the control of the remaining three steam generators will take place. And also, another container with the spent fuel might be taken to the spent fuel storage.

Unit 1 is in operation on the power effect. Currently the reactor power is at 96 percent, and the turbine generator at 1029 MWe. Every day the Unit power is reduced by approximately one percent gradually down to the level of about 85 percent. The power effect operation will be terminated on Friday, 10th July, when the Unit, according to the planned schedule, will be disconnected from the grid for the refueling of one quarter of the fuel. The outage is planned till the end of August.