20. 4. 2006

CEZ shares are steering for the Warsaw Stock Exchange - WOOD & Company Financial Services will be the manager of dual listing of CEZ shares in Poland

CEZ Power Company and WOOD & Company Financial Services have concluded an agreement about cooperation during the planned entry of CEZ shares in the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

“We are working towards entering the Warsaw exchange by the end of first half of this year. Currently prospectus preparation is under way, and simultaneously, we have repeatedly assured at meetings with Polish investors that the dual listing of our shares in Poland is meaningful,“ said Petr Voboril, CFO of CEZ. Together with the preparation of the prospectus, its approval by the Ceska narodni banka (Czech National Bank) and its acceptance by the Polish security and exchange commission, WOOD & Co is going to participate in the process of securing the admission of CEZ shares by the Warsaw Stock Exchange, establishment of the functional system for settlement of trades with CEZ shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, communication with Polish investors and securing the maximum shares liquidity after their listing.  

Poland is a strategic market for CEZ within its expansion in Central and South-Eastern Europe. At the end of this January, CEZ concluded a contract about acquisition of two Polish power companies Elcho and Skawina. However, CEZ's entry into the Warsaw Stock Exchange was also initiated by the opportunities being offered by the developed capital market in Poland. Due to this step, even Polish pension funds, which are otherwise dramatically limited by regulations in their investments outside Poland, will have an access to the CEZ shares.

The CEZ Group is one of the key entities in the utility field in Central and South-Eastern Europe, and one of the ten biggest energy players in Europe, both in terms of installed capacity and the number of customers. Within the fulfillment of its vision of becoming a leader on electricity market in Central and South-Eastern Europe, CEZ Group has owned a part of the Bulgarian and Romanian distribution since last year and continues to seek acquisition opportunities in the area of Central and South-Eastern Europe.

Eva Novakova, Press Officer, CEZ