18. 5. 2007

Information on NPP Temelín 98 / 2007

První blok je v provozu na plánovaném výkonu. V sobotu 19. května ve 4 hodiny ráno bude první blok plánovaně krátkodobě odstaven. Důvodem je provedení pravidelné zkoušky regulačních orgánů reaktoru.

May 18, 2007

If the test is successful, the electricity delivery will be restored on Sunday evening. On Monday May 21, the unit should operate at full power in accordance with the production plan. At Unit 2, the planned outage is under way that is connected with the replacement of ¼ of the reactor fuel. All the auxiliary systems of the power plant are operating in compliance with operation needs of the units.

Information on parameters at Unit 1 today on May 18, 2007 at 08:15 o‘clock:
· Unit is in Mode 1 - power operation
· Reactor power is 97 %
· Turbine generator output - 981 MWe
· Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 1 166 793 MWh

Information on parameters at Unit 2 today on May 18, 2007 at 08:15 o‘clock:
· Unit is in Mode 6
· Reactor power is 0 %
· Turbine generator output - 0 MWe
· Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 2 975 006 MWh

Marek Sviták
Spokesman of the ČEZ Group Nuclear Power Plant Temelín