9. 11. 2007

CEZ has been selected as a partner for Cernavoda 3,4

Yesterday, Romanian company Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica announced that it had accepted an offer of CEZ Power Company. CEZ has been selected as one of the partners in a process of building and operating of nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at Romania's nuclear power plant Cernavoda,

Negotiations of the investment agreement will start in the last decade of November and should last several months.
Chosen participants should create a project joint venture with the state nuclear power corporation Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica, to complete both 720 MW units in a EUR 2.2 billion project. A tentative schedule is for commissioning unit 3 in 2014 and unit 4 in 2015 after 64 months construction.

Further information about the project is possible to find on http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf93.html

Press release of Nuclearelectrica is available on http://www.nuclearelectrica.ro/news.php?nid=434