10. 7. 2007

CEZ is considering two localities for modern low-emission technologies Hodonin and North Bohemia

CEZ Group is planning to join a planned construction of demonstration low-emission units within the EU. At present, there are two localities under consideration North Bohemia (with planned construction of new modern soft-coal-fired units) and South-Moravian Hodonin. Both alternatives probably have the potential for a complete CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) technology application.

CEZ´s plan is to join the demonstration low-emission units project (Zero Emission Power Plants) under the European Union. CEZ wants to take part in the project through constructing at least one of the total 10 12 units planned under it in the Czech Republic. They are planned to be set into operation between 2012 2015.The units should be used to test the practical operation of the newest low-emission technologies and placing them into operation is cost-demanding. Broad commercial application of these technologies is expected after 2020. Our nearest goal is renewal our present resources and construction of new resources, related primarily to the improvement of their efficiency. The middle-term goal is to have at least one demonstration CCS technology unit in a present power plant or in a new resource within CEZ, said Jiri Feist, director of Development Section CEZ. We are also considering the possibility to join other prospective demontration unit projects abroad within international or bilateral cooperation, he added.

CCS alternative in North Bohemia

  • Its potential advantage is a high installed capacity (about 660 MW) and high efficiency of the plant (over 42 %, without CO2 capture and storage).
  • Preliminary data are indicative of a possibility to store CO2 into the geological structures in the region (deep sedimentary groundwater bodies).
  • The project would continue the tradition of energy production in the region and would bring a project of European importance to the region.
  • Possible disadvantages result from prospective space limitations, resource location and real possibilities to store CO2.

CCS alternative in Hodonin

  • There is a potential for testing the capture of CO2 from fluidized bed boilers. Furthermore, the plant burns besides lignite also biomass (only in 2006 there was generated over 18,000 MWh of biomass energy).
  • In the near surroundings, there aredepleted hydrocarbon structures representing potentially suitable place for CO2 storage.
  • Possible disadvantages consist in lower installed capacity of the plant (105 MW) and in combustion of lower quality fuel and continuing to lignite mining (local lignite).

CEZ participates in international research projects in the fields of low-emission technologies already now.For example, it takes part in the GeoCapacity project financed by the European Commission that aims to search for underground capacities for CO2 storage in Central and Eastern Europe. Further, CEZ has an interest in work in different teams within the all European technology platform for low-emission resources. CEZ places high emphasis on reducing the environmental impact of energy generation.As a result its special Department of Environmental Agenda covers all activities in this area, including projects reducing CO2 emissions.

Ivo Mestanek
Communication Manager CEZ

CCS system

The system of carbon capture and storage is one of the possibilies to reduce this gas emissions that are being considered in the world. It is a new method used only in a few places in the world, furthermore, its run is only trial (e.g. a pilot CO2 capture unit in Denmark constructed under the CASTOR international project). The CCS system itself consists of three steps CO2 capture ( post-combustion capture is currently the most developed technology but there is also a method of pre-combustion capture), CO2 transport through pipes and finally storage in a suitable place (depositing C02 into deep unused groundwater bodies or depleted oil and gas deposits are mostly considered methods).

Action Plan for CO2 Emission Reduction

The Action Plant for CO2 Emission Reduction was introduced by CEZ Group in March 2007. The plant implies a threefold production from renewable resources to 5.1 TWh by 2020. Other objectives include a 15 % reduction of greengouse gas emissions, contribute to to fulfilment of the national goal to reduce energy intensity by 23 TWh per annum and invest into foreign projects leading to savings of no less than 30 million tons of CO2 . The planned measures will require total additional expenditures of over 17 billion CZK.The complete Plan of Action is available here