5. 11. 2007

Changes in management of CEZ Distribuce, a.s. Josef Holub - new CEO of CEZ Distribuce from January 1, 2008

Decin – Josef Holub (*1951) will become new CEO of CEZ Distribuce, a.s. from January 1, 2008, He will replace Jiri Kudrnac (*1965), who will become director of the division CEZ distribuce, a.s. on the same day.

Josef Holub is a graduate from the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he studied energetic machines and equipment. During 1976-1991 he worked for Ferox Decin as a developer, in the years 1991-1992 he was employed by Bytovy podnik Decin as the head of the heat economy department. Between 1992 – 1998 he was a member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, among others as Chairman of the Economic Commission, or Energy Commission. Between 1998 – 1999 he executed the duties of Chairman and CEO of Termo Decin, a.s.. In the years 1999 – 2002 he was Strategy and Marketing Director in Cechofracht, a.s..

He came to CEZ Group in 2003 to become Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Severoceska energetika, a.s., where he worked until October 2007. At present, he is a specialist in the legislative agenda of CEZ Distribuce, a.s.. Josef Holub is currently executing the duties of Vice-President and member of the Board of the Union of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic, and he is also a member of the VZP management board.

Josef Holub is an author and co-author of eleven invention applications, six of which have been patented. He comes from Decin, he is married and has two daughters.

The changes in the management relate to the new organization structure that will be used from January 1, 2008 as agreed by the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors of CEZ, a.s. The new organization structure will better comply with the nature and extend of enterprise and the best practice management of large international energy companies and arises also from the Effecivity program, which has been implemented in CEZ Group this year.

CEZ Distribuce, a.s. based in Decin, was established in March 2005. The company operates in nine regions of the Czech Republic, it is a holder of a licence for electricity distribution and a distribution system operator. CEZ Distribuce, a.s. is a member of CEZ Group.