Press releases pg. 17

Economics and financial news

Investment Plan for Europe: EUR 50m for ČEZ’s Inven Capital to support growth of innovative smart energy and clean-tech companies

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing EUR 50m to the Czech Republic Inven Capital Fund to develop a co-investment initiative to support the growth of clean energy and smart technology SMEs and midcaps. Czech energy utility ČEZ is contributing the same amount to this initiative so that the total financing available for joint co-investments to clean-tech and smart energy businesses is EUR 100m. The transaction is backed by the guarantee of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), which is the central pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe.

15. 12. 2017

Economics and financial news

CEZ Group’s Net Income in Q1–Q3 Is Almost CZK 17 Billion

CEZ Group’s net income increased by 13% year-on-year to CZK 16.6 billion, primarily due to sale of MOL stock. EBITDA decreased by 6% year-on-year to CZK 41.1 billion, primarily due to decreased realization prices of generated electricity and increased expenses on emission allowances. By contrast, there was a positive year-on-year effect of increased generation at nuclear and wind power plants. CEZ Group confirms its outlook for annual adjusted net income at a level of CZK 19 billion.

7. 11. 2017

Economics and financial news

CEZ Group enters German ESCO market by acquiring Elevion from DPE Deutsche Private Equity

Elevion is a leading integrated provider of multi-technical building services and a well-established trademark on the German ESCO market. The company represents a strong platform for providing energy services to industrial corporations, cities and municipalities as well as the building sector. Elevion’s revenues have been increasing by more than 30 percent on average annually over the past five years. Among their important customers are blue chip companies across a broad range of industries including aerospace, automotive, food, healthcare, industrial, and technology.

7. 7. 2017

Economics and financial news

CEZ Group Earns Almost CZK 9 Billion in Q1

In the first quarter of 2017, CEZ Group achieved net profit of CZK 8.7 billion, 13% less year-on-year but 15% more than in the year before last. Its EBITDA was CZK 19.0 billion. Decreased realization prices of generated electricity account for a whole 70% of the CZK 1.0 billion year-on-year decrease. CEZ Group increases its estimate of net profit in the whole of this year to CZK 17 billion, primarily due to a successful sale of MOL shares.

11. 5. 2017