Press releases pg. 14

Nuclear power plants

Temelín's Unit 2 produces electricity again

On Saturday at 20:15 o'clock, the Unit 2 of Temelín NPP restored the electricity production. Its turbine generator was disconnected from the transmission network for two days during which the plant's technicians worked on the condenser in the non-nuclear part of the plant. Currently, the Unit's output is at full power level.

24. 9. 2018

Nuclear power plants

Temelín's Unit 2 restored electricity production

Today at 1:18 am, the Unit 2 of Temelín NPP started to produce electricity. It was shutdown for refueling from the beginning of June 29. The outage lasted 61 days and the power plant technicians replaced during it one third of fuel, checked safety systems and made several tens of modernizations. Altogether, the outage schedule comprised over 13 thousand activities. Prior to achieving full power, the power plant technicians are about to test the Unit at 80 percent of the reactor rated power.

30. 8. 2018

Nuclear power plants

On Friday evening, CEZ shuts down Temelín's Unit 2 as scheduled. The reasons are the equipment inspections and refuelling

Refuelling, checks of the turbine and of the safety systems and the reconstruction of the circulation cooling water piping. These are only examples of the most important works to be done during the Unit 2 outage. Overall, the technicians plan to do over ten thousand actions and, above all, they want to do it within two months.

28. 6. 2018

Nuclear power plants

Outage of NPP Dukovany Unit four ends this weekend

Preparations for connecting the Production Unit 4 back to distribution grid are under way at NPP Dukovany. The unit has been temporarily shut down seven days ago due to pipe inspections in the secondary circuit of the steam generator. The same controls will be also carried out on Units 3 and 1. The fourth unit will begin producing electricity during the weekend.

19. 4. 2018