Press releases pg. 11

Foreign activities

ČEZ Group is expanding its operations in France to over 215 MW of installed capacity. It is launching the development of another eight projects.

ČEZ Group has acquired onshore wind power projects in France with a potential overall installed capacity of up to 116 MW. CEZ France SAS has acquired power plants in advanced stages of development from ABO Wind, a respected developer for renewable energies. ABO Wind has secured a guaranteed feed-in remuneration over a period of 15 years. At present, ČEZ is preparing the construction of wind power plants in France with a total installed power of over 215 MW. The first turbines should begin delivering environmentally-friendly electricity to the grid this year.

15. 1. 2019

Foreign activities

INVEN CAPITAL announces its first investment in Israel. The Driivz platform is set to accelerate electromobility development.

INVEN CAPITAL, CEZ Group’s investment fund that seeks opportunities in the new energy sector, is entering the Israeli start-up market. The Driivz platform, which is used by 300,000 drivers worldwide, offers an end-to-end electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure management solution. It is the fund’s eighth overall investment into the ‘new energy’ sector.

14. 1. 2019

Foreign activities

ČEZ Group focusing on development phases in German wind energy projects.

In December 2018 the ČEZ Group acquired wind turbine projects in Germany with a total potential installed capacity of 190 MW.

21. 12. 2018

Foreign activities

INVEN CAPITAL is the biggest investor in tado°, the leader in smart thermostats, alongside such global giants as Amazon and Siemens.

INVEN CAPITAL, CEZ Group’s investment fund investing in promising technology companies in the “new energy” sector, became the biggest shareholder in tado°, the Germany-based leader in the European smart thermostat market. It did so in another round of capital increase with a total volume of EUR 43 million, with participants including “big shots” such as Amazon and Total Energy Ventures. This is INVEN CAPITAL’s third investment made under a joint project with the European Investment Bank (EIB).

5. 11. 2018