Press releases pg. 20

Economics and financial news
Foreign activities

CEZ entered into settlement agreement with Albania: it will end the Dispute and it will recover almost CZK 3 bn

In Vienna CEZ signed a settlement agreement with Albanian counterparty under supervision of Energy Community Secretariat. According to the agreement CEZ, after fulfillment of conditions precedent, will get in annual installments EUR 100 m in total, i.e. the amount similar to initial investment into purchase of Albanian distribution company. Conditions for ending of arbitrage are part of the agreement.

24. 6. 2014

Foreign activities

Joint Press Statement CEZ Group and Republic of Albania

The parties listed below today announced that they have entered into an amicable settlement agreement.

24. 6. 2014

Foreign activities

ČEZ has priced its offering of €470.2 million Guaranteed Exchangeable Bonds due 2017 exchangeable for ordinary shares of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC

ČEZ, a. s. has successfully priced its offering of €470.2 million guaranteed exchangeable bonds due 2017 exchangeable for existing ordinary shares of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC.

28. 1. 2014

Foreign activities

ČEZ Raises Efficiency of Its Hydro Portfolio in Romania

After nearly two years of extensively upgrading the Resita water power plant system on the Barzava Superioara river, the project has come to a successful end. Due to the investment of EUR 30 million, the four hydropower plants now generate electricity with 20% higher efficiency, thus producing one fifth more electricity from the same amount of water.

16. 12. 2013