Press releases pg. 26

Foreign activities

CEZ signed a privatization contract for Albanian distribution company OSSH

Tirana, Albania, March 11, 2009—The government of Albania and CEZ Group signed a contract for the sale of 76 percent of the shares of the Electricity Distribution Company of Albania (OSSH). CEZ was selected as the winning bidder by the tendering commission already in October 2008. The decision was then confirmed by the Albanian Government after further consultations. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, advised the Albanian government on structuring the transaction and executing an open, transparent and competitive bidding process. The value of the contract for the majority stake in OSSH is €102 million. Following negotiations ended in today’s signing of the contract. The transaction is expected to be completed in next few months.

11. 3. 2009

Foreign activities

CEZ and Akkok finalized takeover of Turkish distribution company Sedaş

The agreement finalizing the block sale of 100% shares of the grid company SEDAŞ was signed between Prime Ministry Privatization Administration and Akkök-Akenerji-CEZ (AkCez) Consortium which won the tender with 600 million USD. The signing ceremony finalizing the sale and hand over of SEDAŞ was held on February 11, 2009, with the participation of top level management from Privatization Administration, Energy Market Regulatory Authority, SEDAŞ, Akkök Group, CEZ Group and Akenerji.

11. 2. 2009

Foreign activities
Power plants

CEZ Group and Electrocentrale Galati signed the Memorandum of Understanding

Bucharest – Today, in the presence of Mr. Varujan Vosganian, Ministry of Economy and Finances, CEZ Group and the Romanian companies Termoelectrica and Electrocentrale Galati have signed the Memorandum of Understanding for Galati project.

20. 11. 2008

Foreign activities

CEZ Group and Turkish Akkök Group unite their powers through Akenerji

Ankara, October 8, 2008 - Representatives of both Groups have signed a strategic partnership agreement about cooperation in Turkish power sector today. CEZ Group will buy the exact half of the Akkök Group's majority stake in Akenerji Elektrik Űretim A. Ş.

8. 10. 2008