Press releases pg. 11

Environment and renewable resources
Power plants

ČEZ has reduced the energy intensity of its power generation by 10% in 15 years, with further large savings down the pipeline

ČEZ Group is also setting an example in energy-saving behaviour in its power plants, as it plans to achieve significant savings in internal consumption in the coming years and gain additional energy by installing innovative emission-free sources. By these means, the company expects to achieve cumulative savings and added generation in the order of thousands of megawatt hours per year.

22. 9. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities
Power plants

The Datteln wind project succeeds in obtaining operating support in German auction

The ČEZ Group Datteln project received operating support of 58.7 EUR/MWh in a German auction of onshore wind power plants. Depending on the correction factor actually used, this will secure it a 78 EUR/MWh tariff for 20 years from connection. This will gain ČEZ further experience in the preparation of wind projects, which it can apply in the Czech Republic. At the same time, it will support a security power supply in Europe that is independent of Russia.

15. 9. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Power plants

ČEZ, too, plans to save money: decreasing temperature in offices, installing heat pumps and photovoltaics, and insulating

In the upcoming heating season, ČEZ Group plans to lower the heating temperature by 2 to 4 degrees centigrade in more than a hundred of its office buildings across the Czech Republic. It estimates that this will save nearly 15% of its energy consumption. At the same time, the company carries on with its long-term programme to reduce energy intensity – investing an average of CZK 45 million a year in insulation and other energy saving measures. ČEZ plans to save at least another 15% of all energies by 2027. This is to be aided by, among other things, the installation of heat pumps and photovoltaics, or by the planned central control system for more efficient regulation of heating, cooling, and air conditioning.

18. 8. 2022

Environment and renewable resources
Foreign activities
Economics and financial news

U. S. Steel Košice is heading towards a more sustainable future. Košice steel mills will reduce their climate footprint with the help of ČEZ and ESCO Slovakia

Two strong brands from two neighboring countries have come together on the way to the modern emission-free energy of the future. U. S. Steel Košice, a subsidiary of the global steel giant UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, and ČEZ, the Czech leader in the field of modern energy and decarbonization, have entered into a non-binding memorandum of cooperation to form strategic partnership until 2025 with the possibility of extension. The memorandum concerns cooperation in the field of emission-free electricity, the construction of renewable sources, energy efficiency and savings, and the development of climate-friendly innovative solutions.

29. 7. 2022