Press releases pg. 6

Environment and renewable resources

Two Thirds of CEZ Group´s 2022 Investments Went into Eligible and Taxonomy-aligned Activities; Despite the Energy Crisis, CO2 Emissions Fell by Almost 830,000 Tons

CEZ Group reduced Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions by 4% last year, which corresponds to almost 830 thousand tons. The production of pollutants and waste was also reduced. Within the framework of the CEZ Group’s Clean Energy of Tomorrow strategy, investments in renewable energy and other environmental solutions also grew: two-thirds of all last year’s investments were directed to eligible and taxonomy-aligned activities. The most recent CEZ Group’s Sustainability Report 2022 covers over 480 various ESG indicators.

7. 6. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Products and services

Municipalities are starting to use Lighting for a Koruna with energy savings of up to 80 percent

Cities are also starting to use the Lighting for a Koruna project, which has become a hit in recent years, especially in small villages and larger municipalities. Thanks to this, ČEZ Energetické služby, a ČEZ ESCO subsidiary, has replaced energy-intensive public lighting fixtures with modern, energy-saving LEDs in Všeruby in the Pilsen Region and in Zlaté Hory in the Jesenice Region without burdening the city budget. Public lighting is a significant item in the budgets of towns and municipalities and its modernisation brings energy savings on an average of 80%. This is why councillors in more cities are now interested in the project.

6. 6. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Power plants

ČEZ Prodej has increased photovoltaic installations by more than 50 percent this year. Customers can now buy their PPP earlier, with a new battery and only a minimal upfront deposit

The market for rooftop photovoltaics in households is again growing this year. By the end of May, ČEZ Prodej had installed 50 percent more photovoltaic power plants than in the same period last year. After a series of bad experiences with unreliable PPP suppliers, customers are becoming more cautious and prefer to pay only minimal upfront deposits for installations. ČEZ Prodej is complying with client demands and now requires only a 10% deposit when signing a contract. ČEZ Prodej and the manufacturer OIG Power have together also introduced the new ČEZ Battery Box Queen hybrid battery system.

31. 5. 2023

Environment and renewable resources
Power plants

ČEZ solar power plants saved 17,000 tonnes of coal this year, and 1.4 million tonnes in total

*3 May is International Sun Day
*ČEZ Group has been operating solar power plants continuously for almost a quarter of a century
*Their manufacture means 18,000 tonnes of CO2 were not emitted into the air this year
*New solar parks with capacities of thousands of MW will be built in the coming months and years
*Roof installations from ČEZ Prodej and ČEZ ESCO also help protect the environment Photovoltaic power plants operated by ČEZ Group in the Czech Republic produced 18.7 million kWh of emission-free electricity in the first quarter of this year. This saved 17,000 tonnes of coal and prevented the release of more than 18,000 tonnes of CO2 into the air. Since 2009, ČEZ photovoltaics have saved 1.4 million tonnes of coal, while 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 have not been emitted into the air thanks to their emission-free generation. These are the impacts that would be required to generate the same amount of energy in conventional power plants.

3. 5. 2023