Gallery of our solutions (Czech Republic)
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Energy savings of 232 million
Reducing the costs of electricity, heat, gas and water consumption by CZK 232 million is the last year's contribution to a total of 36 energy-saving projects with a guarantee (EPC) provided by the company ENESA from CEZ ESCO in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The year-on-year savings increased by 7 percent, which equals CZK 14 million. From an environmental point of view, energy savings represent a reduction in CO2 emissions of 36,700 tonnes.

Complete background for electric vehicles at Škoda Auto dealers
CEZ ESCO and Skoda Auto cooperate in the installation of electric mobility facilities at dozens of selected Czech dealerships of this brand. The solution for each of the vendors is based on a detailed study of site needs and capabilities. ČEZ ESCO is the largest domestic supplier of complex solutions for electromobility for companies, municipalities and public administration.
In the case of AMOND Kladno dealer it is a delivery of a complex electromobility solution including installation of one 24 kW public DC charging wallbox, three 11 kW wallboxes and 7 professional charging cables. This business delivery also included
- an overall installation, including its own 230/400 V substation,
- electrical wiring to ensure safe operation of the entire premises,
- a charging control system at the stations, which will ensure the optimal functioning of the stations in the area.

BRNO - smart public transport stop
CEZ ESCO built two unique smart public transport stops at Moravské náměstí in Brno. They allow passengers to get information on public transport, including updated operation restrictions, search South-Moravian Regional’s timetables, charge their mobile devices or use weather information from a small meteo-station with built-in airborne dust detector.
Stops use energy-efficient LED lighting and have two SOS security buttons to call for help. The smart stop device is installed so that it is resistant to both wind and rain and can operate without difficulty in the minimum temperature range of -30 ° C to + 45 ° C (in the shade).

Emission-free city transport in Trutnov
Trutnov public transport is the first in the Czech Republic to have buses for alternative traction only. CEZ ESCO will supply energy from biomass, a unique 150kW charging station and facilities.
A total of six CNG vehicles and four electric buses are in operation in Trutnov.
The charging of electric buses will be provided by one fast charging station supplied by ČEZ ESCO and four regular Škoda charging stations.
Energy for the operation of the charging area for electric buses is provided by direct connection to the Poříčí Power Station of the ČEZ Group. This power plant generates electricity by burning biomass. Connection of charging stations, distribution of distribution and other related services will be provided by ČEZ ESCO.
A unique feature of the solution is the first installation of the ABB quick charging station in the Czech Republic allowing charging of up to 150 kW. This station is able to replenish most of the battery capacity in a few tens of minutes. In addition, it is complemented by an extensive range of connectivity features, including remote monitoring, control, diagnostics and software updates.