Smart grids
Smart digital networks are an essential prerequisite for decentralized energy. These networks transport electricity more efficiently, provide an overview of electricity flow at individual locations and can regulate production and consumption.
Their importance will grow with the number of smaller sources producing electricity at the point of consumption as cogeneration units and other small heating or renewable sources. The Czech Republic’s strategic document is the National Action Plan for Smart Grids (NAP SG), based on the Updated State Energy Policy.
ČEZ Distribuce, for example, is currently engaged in installing remotely controlled elements in the distribution system, such as meters for measuring electricity quality at transformer stations and smart electricity meters. It is also constructing optical fibre infrastructure. For more information, visit
More robust battery systems may become one of the tools in managing power systems in the future. Worldwide, these systems are used mainly because of their fast reaction time and ever-increasing capacity and longer battery life. Their use is seen mainly on low consumption days and during a high proportion of renewable electricity production.