Coal Power Plants and Heating Plants
Dětmarovice Power Station
The Dětmarovice Power Station is situated near the town of Ostrava, in the immediate vicinity of the Polish border and the major railway line from Bohumín to Žilina. It has an installed capacity of 800 MW. The plant is however beeing used only sporadically for the electricity production. Its main use now is to generate heat that supplies mainly the towns of Orlová and Bohumín.
Hodonín Heating Plant
The plant sits in the town of Hodonín in the southern Moravia near the border with Slovakia. It has an installed capacity of 105 MW and uses coal and biomass to produce mainly heat for the town of Hodonín, as well as for the Slovak town of Holíč.
V nedávné minulosti zde došlo mj. ke zprovoznění laboratoře pro analýzy biomasy, třídiče biomasy a dopravní linky na peletky z biomasy s dopravním výkonem 20 tun za hodinu. Letos v lednu zde byl uveden do provozu automatický vzorkovač biomasy.
Ledvice Power Station
The power source is located in the town of the same name between the Central Bohemian Uplands (Ceske stredohori) and the eastern foothills of the Ore Mountains (Krusne hory). The public can enjoy these views of both mountains on the 140-meter tall lookout point on the tallest industrial structure in the Czech Republic.
Ledvice plant one of the most state-of-the-art traditional power stations in Europe and has been erected on the site of the older Ledvice coal power station. The current unit has an installed capacity of 660 MW and works alongside of the last of the previous unit with a capacity of 110 MW. Apart from generating power, the Ledvice power station also supplies heat to customers in the biggest regional town Teplice and to the local municipalities of Bílina and Ledvice.
Díky použité nejmodernější dostupné technologie pro daný projekt i nastavení provozních a výrobních parametrů poklesly veškeré sledované emise v lokalitě Ledvice v průměru o 50 procent.
Elektrárna Ledvice je v rámci Skupiny ČEZ zapojena i do záchovného programu ornitologů z ALKA Wildlife, o. p. s. Na jednom z ochozů komína je od roku 2015 umístěna takzvaná sokolí budka, v níž pár ohroženého druhu sokola stěhovavého vyvádí na svět 1 – 3 mláďata ročně.
Mělník Power Station
Power Plant Melnik is situated next to the town of Mělník, about 13 km from the Elbe and Vltava River confluence. It consists of two technological units with the overall capacity of 460 MW.
In addition to production of electricity, the plant also provides heat. Both commodities are produced in the so-called combined cycle, and this results in a considerably better utilisation of fuel and thus power savings with a positive impact to the environment.
The plant is the main supplier of the heating for the Czech capital Prague, as well as the towns and villages surrounding the location.
Poříčí Heating Plants
The Poříčí Power Stations organizational unit consists of two plants, The Poříčí II Power Station, situated near the East-Bohemian town of Trutnov, and The Dvůr Králové Heat Power Plant in the town of the same name.
The Poříčí II Power Plant features the total heat power output of 294 MW and supplies heat power for the towns of Trutnov, Jánské Lázně and a major part of its surroundings. The Dvůr Králové Heat Power Plant is the central heat resource of the town of Dvůr Králové nad Labem. The installed heat power output equals to 116 MW.
Prunéřov Power Station
The Prunéřov II Power Station is situated on the western edge of the North-Bohemian brown coal basin near the town of Chomutov. It is one of the CEZ newest classic power plants and was commissioned in 2016. Its overall installed capacity is 750 MW.
The Prunéřov Power Station supplies not only electricity, but also heat to the towns of Chomutov, Jirkov, and Klášterec nad Ohří. The installed capacity for heat generation is 500 MW.
Trmice Heating Plant
Teplárna Trmice sits on the outskirts of the northern regional capital Ústí nad Labem and serves as the main supplier of the heat to its inhabitants. Among its clients are also medical and school facilities, public organisations and clients from the tertiary sector – hotels, shopping and administrative centres, etc. It has installed six boilers of combined output of 469 MWt.
Tušimice Power Station
Tušimice II Power Plant is located near the town of Kadaň in the north of Bohemia. It underwent a complex restoration in the period from 2007 to 2012. It has an installed capacity of 800 MW.
Chorzów Power Station
CEZ Chorzów Power Station is located in the southern part of Poland, 8 km northwest of Katowice City. It produces electricity and heat from black coal in two modern units with a total installed capacity of 238.4 MW (360 MW thermal). The heat plant delivers heat to Katowice, Chorzów and the surrounding area.The power plant was put into operation in 2003 and entered the CEZ Group portfolio in 2006. Since 2008, it has been co-burning coal and biomass. In 2017, special technical equipment to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions was installed to meet the stricter European BREF limits that come into force in 2021. By installing reverse osmosis, Chorzów also reduced the use of water treatment chemicals by 70%.
More information (in polish) about CEZ Chorzow can be found at
Skawina Power plant
The plant is situated in a rapidly developing region of southern Poland, near Krakow. Skawina generates electricity and heat in its combined production. The bituminous coal-fired power plant Skawina has a generating capacity of 492 MW. Within its combined production of power and heat, the plant supplies heat and hot water to the city of Skawina and the Western part of Kraków. It supplies electricity to several local distribution companies in Poland. CEZ acquired 100% share in Skawina from the American concern PSEG in May 2006.
Further information on Skawina power plant is available on its websites (in polish)