Orientation survey of principal measures aimed at reducing the emission output of air pollutants
Prunérov power plants (EPR I, EPR II)
- re-constructing electric separator
- simplementing a primary measure aimed at reducing the emission output of nitrogen oxides
- building up desulphurisation unit
Tusimice power plants (ETU I, ETU II)
- phasing out ETU I
- building up a desulphurisation unit in ETU II
- implementing a primary measure aimed at reducing the emission output of nitrogen oxides in ETU II
Tisová Power Plant
- building up a desulphurisation unit for one boiler
- putting 8 boilers out of action
- building up two new fluid boilers
Melník Power Plant (EME I, EME II)
- implementing a primary measure aimed at reducing the emission output of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide in the combustion products generated by EME II a III
- building up a desulphurisation unit v EME II a III
Porící Power Plant (including heating plants in Dvur Králové – TDK and in Náchod – TNA)
- building up two new fluid boilers
- putting four boilers out of action; the remaining were reconstructed with the aim of making them comply with the prescribed emission limits for nitrogen oxides and for carbon monoxide
Pocerady Power Plant
- implementing a primary measure aimed at reducing the emission output of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide
- building up a desulphurisation unit
- putting one boiler unit out of action
Ledvice Power Plant
- reconstructing electric separators, conditioning generated combustion products
- building up a new fluid boiler
- putting one boiler unit out of action
Detmarovice Power Plant
- implementing a primary measure aimed at reducing the emission output of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide
- building up a desulphurisation unit
Hodonín Power Plant
- replacing six granulation boilers
- building up two fluid boilers