23. 10. 2008

ČEZ Group Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007

Dear friends of the ČEZ Group,

We offer you a brief summary of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the ČEZ Group for the recent period for better navigation in this extensive document. For the full wording of the Report, see the DVD disc attached.

Corporate social responsibility includes both approaches to accomplishing our mission exceeding the scope defined by laws as well as good morale. Open public dialogue has become a cornerstone of our corporate identity and a motivating factor for multiplication of our engagement in the fields of environment protection, customers, our employees as well as society.

In fact, the ČEZ Group’s corporate social responsibility is interlaced in all activities engaged in by the Group. As one of the most important business entities in the Czech Republic and one of the biggest power engineering groups in Europe, we feel responsibility particularly for reliable and safe power supply and we perceive ourselves as a driver of the business environment, the creation of new jobs as well as an important wealth growth resource for citizens of this country. We sensitively perceive the issues of meeting constantly growing electric power demand in the context with forecasted lack of production capacities, and the
energy satiation of the needs of Czech industry as well as of citizens is considered a matter of honour, our natural obligation and priority.

The ČEZ Group, a modern corporation with strong economic foundations, considers social responsibility one of the pillars of business ethics. We judge all activities conducted from the perspective of general benefit and we foresee impacts on our customers, shareholders, and employees. And of course – with respect to environmental protection – to all citizens of our country.

With respect to global climate changes, we place extra emphasis on environmental protection and its sustained improvement. We are interested in the possible use of renewable energy resources in the Czech Republic, permanent reduction of ČEZ’s source emission intensity, and energy savings, and we pursue projects leading towards the reduction of emissions abroad.

Our corporate social responsibility includes support of non-profit making organizations on the grounds of our motto “We help where we operate”. For the fourth time in a row, we came first in the TOP Corporate Philanthropist in 2007 in the category of overall volume of funds donated.

We believe the new Corporate Social Responsibility Report will bring you interesting information as well as the motivation to contribute in attaining goals similar to those set by the ČEZ Group. We wish you many happy moments while reading the Report and we hope the Report will bring you a lot of interesting information.

Martin Roman
Chairman and CEO ČEZ, a. s.

Daniel Beneš
First vice-chairman and managing director ČEZ, a. s.
