22. 11. 2010

Extraordinary General Meeting - November 22, 2010

Information released after the General Meeting

Results of the EGM

Voting results

Information released prior to the General Meeting

Extraordinary General Meeting of ČEZ, a. s., shall be held on 22 November 2010 from 8:00 am in the building at Duhová 1/425 (BB Centre, building E), Prague 4.

Notice on convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting

Form of power of attorney for representation of shareholder at the Extraordinary General Meeting

Detailed information concerning receipt of notices of granting or revoking power of attorney for representation of a shareholder at the Extraordinary General Meeting

Agenda of the General Meeting:

Item 1: Opening, election of the general meeting chairman, minutes clerk, minutes verifiers and persons authorized to count the votes


Draft resolution on Item 1


Item 2: Recall, confirmation of co-opting and election of the Supervisory Board members

Recall, confirmation of co-opting and election of the Supervisory Board members

Draft resolution on Item 2 (confirmation of co-opting)

Item 3: Recall, confirmation of co-opting and election of the Audit Committee members

Recall, confirmation of co-opting and election of the Audit Committee members

Draft resolution on item 3 (confirmation of co-opting)

Item 4: Approval of the contracts for performance of the function of Supervisory Board members and approval of the contracts for performance of the function of Audit Committee members

Approval of the contracts for performance of the function of Supervisory Board members and approval of the contracts for performance of the function of Audit Committee members

Contract for performance of the function of Supervisory Board member between ČEZ, a. s., and Mr. Eduard Janota

Contract for performance of the function of Supervisory Board member between ČEZ, a. s., and Mr. Martin Říman

Contract for performance of the function of Supervisory Board member between ČEZ, a. s., and Mr. Drahoslav Šimek

Contract for performance of the function of Supervisory Board member between ČEZ, a. s., and Mr. Vladimír Hronek

Contract for performance of the function of Audit Committee member between ČEZ, a. s., and Mr. Eduard Janota

Contract for performance of the function of Audit Committee member between ČEZ, a. s., and Mr. Martin Říman

Draft resolution on item 4

Item 5: Conclusion