26. 8. 2009

ANNOUNCEMENT of the Issuer of Interest Yield Payment

ČEZ, a. s., announces that as of 27 August 2009
the administrator Komerční banka, a. s., will be paying interest on the bonds, 2007/2010, ISIN: CZ0003501520, amounting to 4.30 % p. a.,
for the yield period from 27 August 2008 to 26 August 2009 (inclusively).

In accordance with the issuance conditions of the bonds, the owners, whose bonds were booked in their asset accounts kept by the Prague Securities Centre by the end of 27 July 2009, shall be entitled to payment of interest on the above bonds. Interest shall be transferred to the accounts kept in the Czech Republic by way of cashless transfer on the basis of a written application for the yield transfer, with an officially authenticated signature, which is to be submitted to the administrator; legal entities are also to provide the original or officially authenticated copy of an extract from the commercial or similar register not older than 3 months.

Administrator's address:      Komerční banka, a. s.,
                                        Václavské nám. 42
                                        Department 5600
                                        Client Payment Services
                                        114 07 Prague 1