30. 10. 2009

Applicants interested in completion of Temelín submitted their applications for participation

The period when potential applicants could submit their applications for participation in tender for completion of the Temelín NPP, i.e. construction of two nuclear units, including delivery of fuel and an option for delivery of other three nuclear units in Europe, expired today at 12:00 o'clock.

Invitation to this tender was published at www.isvzus.cz on 3 August 2009 and in short version also in other EU languages in the EU bulletin (ted.europa.eu).

The application for participation is the sole and legally valid "registration" of applicants for the tender and it must contain documentation proving meeting of the eligibility defined by ČEZ, a. s. This eligibility was described in the qualification documentation and collected by 31 entities.

During next several months ČEZ, a. s. will examine, whether the delivered applications prove meeting of the defined eligibility. ČEZ, a. s. will consequently ask all applicants who proved meeting of the defined eligibility, for a consent to publish their name. In case of a positive answer, ČEZ, a. s. will publish number and names of those who will qualify and will be able to further participate in the tender.

ČEZ, a. s. being the sector submitter selects a supplier for completion of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant in a tender, i.e. it adheres to Act No. 137/2006 of Public Tenders, as amended.

ČEZ, a. s. lies under the obligation to adhere to the strict protection of information gathered from suppliers in all tender proceedings carried out according to the Public Tender Act and at the same time to adhere to the transparency policy, equal treatment policy and the ban on discrimination during tender proceedings, that means ČEZ, a. s. lies under the obligation to approach all suppliers in the same way and without prejudice as defined in the Public Tender Act.

The Public Tender Act prescribes inter alia what and in what range the submitter must publish. Publishing of any information, in addition to the one explicitly required by law, could negatively affect the overall tender process.