11. 3. 2010

ČEZ, a. s. press release concerning Information Meeting

Yesterday, in the headquarters of CEZ, a. s., the Information Meeting of company representatives with candidates qualified in procurement procedure of public contract: "Completion of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant" (consortium Westinghouse Electric Company LLC a Westinghouse Electric Company Czech Republic s. r. o.; consortium ŠKODA JS a.s. a JSC Atomstroyexport a JSC OKB Gidropress; AREVA NP S.A.S.) took place.

The goal of this information meeting was to open negotiation prior to bid submission (negotiation under the provisions of Section 33 of Czech Act No. 137/2006 Coll., on public procurement, as amended), with the aim of identifying and specifying one or several suitable solutions, capable of meeting needs and requirements ČEZ, a. s. Identified solutions will be within this process incorporated into the tender documentation which serves to qualified candidates as a base for bid elaboration.

Following the end of negotiation prior to bid submission which is expected this year, all the qualified candidates will be requested to submit bids. We anticipate that bids submission and their negotiation will take place in the year 2011 and the contract with a successful candidate will be signed in the 1st half of year 2012.