30. 8. 2010

ČEZ acquired the eEnergy Ralsko – Kuřivody company

Due to acquisition of eEnergy Ralsko - Kuřivody, a. s. ČEZ, the Power Company, has purchased a design of a photovoltaic power plant under construction in the vicinity of Ralsko, the former military base. The power plant with the total installed power of 18.5 MWp should be commissioned by the end of 2010. All the required permits are available. Further details of the transaction will not be published.

Through the already acquired eEnergy Ralsko, a. s. there will be again secured a restoration and consequent use of the contaminated land of Ralsko, the former military area, in form of an erection of a photovoltaic power plant. Design of the photovoltaic power plant of the total installed power 12.8 MWp has all the required permits available; the construction itself was started at the end of July. A pyrotechnic research and grading have currently been carried out in the location.