2. 7. 2009



The supervisory board of ČEZ, a. s., registered address Duhová 2/1444, 140 53 Prague 4, Reg. No. 45274649, incorporated in the Commercial Register kept by the City Court in Prague, section B, inset 1581, announces, that at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company held on 13th May 2009 it was decided to declare a dividend in respect of the trading year 2008 of 50,-CZK before taxation per 100 CZK share of nominal value.

The payment of the dividend, including calculation of withholding income tax, will be carried out on behalf of the company by Česká spořitelna, a. s., Reg. No. 45244782, with registered address at Olbrachtova 1929/62, Prague 4, 14000 (hereinafter referred to as 'Česká spořitelna').

The right to a dividend for 2008 adheres to those persons, who are shareholders of ČEZ, a. s., on the vesting day. The vesting day for the right to the dividend is therefore the date of the AGM at which it was decided to declare the dividend, that is 13th May 2009.

Shareholders - corporate bodies not represented by trustees - will have the dividend paid into an account held at a bank in the Czech Republic. The dividend will be paid into the account of such shareholders on the basis of an application in writing delivered to Česká spořitelna, supported by an officially-certified signature and stating the number of the account and details of the bank maintaining this account. It is necessary to submit together with the application an original or an officially-certified copy of a statement not more than six months old from the Commercial Register. If the registered address of such shareholders - corporate bodies not represented by trustees - indicates a domicile outside of the Czech Republic, they are obliged to submit a statement from the appropriate Commercial Register or other appropriate register or a certificate issued by a foreign notary public or registered official, such document not to be more than six months old, certifying that the application is signed by an authorised person or persons. Such shareholders are also obliged to submit a certificate in respect of their tax domicile officially translated into Czech (if this certificate is issued in other than Czech or Slovak language) such translation to be at the expense of the shareholder.

In respect of trustees, the dividend will be paid into a bank account in the Czech Republic on the basis of an application in writing delivered to Česká spořitelna, supported by an officially-certified signature and stating the number of the account and details of the bank maintaining this account. Together with this application the trustees are obliged to send statements from the Commercial Register or other appropriate register not more than six months old; for shareholders, the corporate bodies for whom this function is carried out by the trustees, together with a certificate in respect of the tax domicile of the shareholders that they represent; for individuals with permanent residence outside of the Czech republic and the Slovak Republic; and corporate bodies with a registered address outside of the Czech Republic. In cases where the trustee of the shares is registered at a so-called special account at the Prague Securities Centre, the trustee which is also acting as a trustee to this special account does not have to submit statements from the Commercial Register, or any other register, which the ČEZ share trustee is acting for.

The dividend will be paid in cash to individual shareholders with permanent residence in the Czech Republic - or to their representatives upon the presentation of their identification document at any branch of Česká spořitelna in the Czech Republic or on the basis of an application in writing delivered to Česká spořitelna requesting that it be credited into their account at a Czech bank. To a representative of the shareholder the dividend will be paid out on the basis of power of attorney given under the signature of the shareholder. The authenticity of the shareholder's signature in respect of such power of attorney or on the application of the shareholder for a non-cash bank transfer of the dividend must be only be officially certified in such cases where the total amount of the dividend to a given shareholder exceeds the sum of 500,-CZK.

The dividend will be paid in cash to individual shareholders with permanent residence in the Slovak Republic through the specified banking institution with a registered office within the territory of the Slovak Republic, which is a Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s registered address Tomášikova 48, Bratislava, 832 37, Reg. No. 00151653, Slovak Republic, (hereinafter referred to as the Slovenská sporiteľňa) in the period from 3rd August 2009 to 30th October 2009; this payment will be made after the presentation of their identification document at selected branches of this banking institution, or on the basis of an application in writing delivered to this banking institution requesting the sum due to be credited to their account at a bank in the Slovak Republic. The dividend will be paid out to a representative of the shareholder on the basis of presentating their identification document and a power of attorney bearing the signature of the shareholder. The authenticity of the shareholder's signature on such power of attorney or on the application of the shareholder for a non-cash bank transfer of the dividend must be officially certified only. From 2nd November 2009 such shareholders - natural entities with permanent residence in the Slovak Republic - will be paid the dividend after the presentation of their identification document at any branch of Česká spořitelna in the Czech Republic or on the basis of an application in writing delivered to Česká spořitelna requesting that the sum due be credited to their account held at a bank in the Czech Republic. To a representative of the shareholder the dividend will be paid out on the basis of presenting their identification document, which shall be their identity card or passport, and a power of attorney bearing the signature of the shareholder. The authenticity of the shareholder's signature on such power of attorney or on the application of the shareholder for a non-cash bank transfer of the dividend must be officially certified only in such cases where the payment will be conducted within the territory of the Czech Republic and the total amount of the dividend to be given to a shareholder, exceeds the sum of 500,-CZK.

To the shareholders - natural entities with permanent residence outside of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, not represented by trustees - the dividend will be credited to their account held at a bank in the Czech Republic, on the basis of their application in writing delivered to the Česká spořitelna, with an officially certified signature stating the number of the account and bank details where this account is held. Together with such application these shareholders are obliged to submit a certificate of their tax domicile which has been officially translated into Czech (if this certificate is issued in other than Czech or Slovak language) such translation to be at the expense of the shareholder.

The dividends are payable from 3rd August 2009 and the onward payment to shareholders will be made without delay from that day into the designated account of the shareholder provided that the Česká spořitelna and Slovenská sporiteľňa respectively have received the application from the shareholder in the form laid down in the preceding paragraphs of this announcement.

The supervisory board of
ČEZ, a. s.