29. 5. 2009

JAVYS and ČEZ will build a new nuclear power station in Slovakia

Prague, May 29, 2009 - Today, in honour of the 4th session of the European Nuclear Forum, the representatives of JAVYS and ČEZ energy companies have signed the shareholder agreement that will allow establishing a joint venture for building of a new nuclear power station at Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovakia.

"The historical bonds maintained by the Slovak and Czech energetics and the nuclear industry of both countries in general certainly belong to the closest ones of the whole of Europe. Today we strengthen these bonds further by the new project of building of the nuclear power station that will contribute significantly to increase the energetic independence of Slovakia and to reduce significantly the deficit of power production capacities in Slovakia," Ján Valko, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of JAVYS said.

"It is honour for us to be a partner selected by the Slovak Government to build the nuclear source in Slovakia. Today's signature of the shareholder agreement starts another project with which we can engage stronger in the energy sector in Slovakia. Besides, nuclear energetics is a highly ecological and economical source; both countries have been using nuclear energetics in the long term and disposing of top experts on this area; so this partnership will bring synergies to both parties," Martin Roman, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of ČEZ added.

JAVYS will have 51% share while ČEZ Group will own 49% in the joint venture. The manager control of the company will work on the principle of equality of both partners that will be present in all company bodies; but the Chairman of the Board of Directors will be elected from among the JAVYS representatives.

The project schedule will be specified after completion of the feasibility study in 2010. The purpose of the feasibility study is to explore the conditions of the locality, to evaluate the suitability of individual available technologies for the relevant locality, to describe the project organization or commercial provision, funding and economic evaluation of the project.

When defining the technical project parameters, the possibility of maximum use of synergies will be considered. For that reason, the whole project is based on the following basic technical conditions: Pressurized-water reactor complying with the requirements of Slovak legislation and licenceable in the EU countries will be used in the project.

The nuclear energetics in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia was built on the base of unified nuclear program in former Czechoslovakia; since then, close uninterrupted cooperation between nuclear expert of both countries has been going on and it will pan out in the prepared project of building of the nuclear power station. Within the former Czechoslovak nuclear program, nuclear power stations at Jaslovské Bohunice (SR) and Dukovany (CZ) were built and at the same time the building of the power stations of Temelín (CZ) and Mochovce (SR) was started. ČEZ finished two blocks at Temelín (CZ) only after the year 2000; Slovenské elektrárne launched 2 blocks at Mochovce (SR) in the end of 1990s; last year it was decided to add the 3rd and the 4th block.

Contacts for the news media

ČEZ Group                                                                                JAVYS

Eva Nováková                                                                            Dobroslav Dobák
speaker                                                                                    speaker
Phone: +420 211 042 291                                                           Phone: +421 2/48262 259 (33/531 2259)
Mobile phone: +420 606 740 479                                                 Mobile phone: +421(0)910 834 349
E-mail: eva.novakova@cez.cz                                                     E-mail: dobak.dobroslav@javys.sk

ČEZ Group has been conducting business, besides its country, the Czech Republic, in more than ten Central and South-East European countries. ČEZ belongs to ten strongest European energy companies with its 8 millions customers and with power production from a portfolio of power stations with total capacity over 14 300 MW. It operates 2 nuclear power stations in the Czech Republic and is at the same time member of the consortium for the construction of the 3rd and the 4th block of the nuclear power station of Chernavoda, Rumania. In Slovakia, ČEZ Group is the biggest alternative power supplier; it prepares building of 800 MW steam-gas cycle together with MOL Group in that country in the area of power production.

JAVYS performs activities of the so called power energetics background. It implements the termination of operation of V1 nuclear power station of Jaslovské Bohunice and the preparation of its liquidation; it shuts out the first Czechoslovak JE-A1; it stores, treats, conditions and stocks radioactive wastes, transports radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel, storing it as well. Today's signature of the agreement evidences JAVYS' participation in energy projects in compliance with "Slovakia's Energy Safety Strategy".