4. 1. 2016

Last year, Temelín produced annually most electricity from a single unit and, in total, reached the fourth highest annual production

Last year, Nuclear Power Plant Temelín produced exactly 14.23 million megawatt hours of electricity (MWh). The electricity generated at Temelín will be sufficient for the Czech households for a whole year. For the plant, it is the fourth highest annual production in fifteen years of operation. Since the start of production in December 2000, the largest Czech power plant produced 179.32 million MWh of electricity, which would be enough for the Czech Republic for two years.

Last year, record was achieved for annual power production from a single block. In 2015, the Temelín Unit 1 delivered 7.99 million MWh to the transmission system surpassing the highest single unit annual production of 2012 by 240,000 MWh. The difference corresponds to the operation of one unit for a period of nine days. Better overall results have been hampered by three inserted outages related mainly to the turbine modernization and by the extension of Unit 2 outage.

It was the completion of the extensive modernization of the Temelín turbines that has been the key investment of the ČEZ company in Southern Bohemian power plant. It cost the company 3.2 billion Czech crowns and, thanks to it, the Temelín plant due increased its output by two percent at the same fuel consumption. Thanks to this modification, the plant produces power for additional hundred thousand Czech households. In 15 years, the Temelín plant increased its original design output by 10 percent, or almost 200 MWe, which is equivalent to the output of a large coal-fired unit.

2015 marked the end to fifty measures of stress tests adopted by the EU in response to the events at Fukushima. Due to them, CEZ invested 750 million Czech crowns in three years. Among others, cooling methods of the Temelín reactor have been extended by additional independent sources of electricity for key safety systems and equipment and facilities of the plant's own firefighting unit have been improved. Further enhancing of safety will accompany the plant for its whole operating period.

So far, Temelín produced most electricity in 2012, when it delivered 15.302 billion kWh of electricity to the network. For several years, the two Temelín units cover a fifth of Czech electricity consumption by their production. For example, Southern Bohemia would put up with the electricity from Temelín for almost 4.5 years and, for the Southern Bohemian households, it would be sufficient for 12 years.