14. 4. 2008

Notice of Approval of the Draft of the Contract of Merger of ČEZ Group Subjects

The company ČEZ, a. s., with the registered office in Prague 4, Duhová 2/1444, Postcode 140 53, Registration No. 452 74 649, hereby informs that the board of directors of the company approved of the draft of the contract of merger with the company Energetika Vítkovice, a.s., with the registered office in Ostrava Vítkovice, Výstavní 1144/103, Postcode 706 02, Registration No. 2585412 with the legal succession of ČEZ, a. s. In accordance with law, the draft contract of merger will be filed in the collection of documents with the Companies Register and made available to the shareholders of both the concerned companies in their registered offices together with the starting balance sheet of the succession company and further documents required by law.