2. 7. 2010


The Board of Directors of the company ČEZ, a. s., with its registered office in Prague 4, Duhová 2/1444, Postal Code 140 53, registration number: 45274649, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, part B, insert 1581, notifies that the Annual General Meeting of the company held on 29 June 2010 decided to pay to the company shareholders for the trading year of 2009 a dividend equal to CZK 53 before tax per share of a nominal value of CZK 100.

Payment of dividends, including the calculation of a withholding income tax, shall be executed on behalf of the company by Česká spořitelna, a. s., registration number 45244782, with its registered office at Olbrachtova 1929/62, Prague 4, Postal Code 140 00 (hereinafter referred to as "Česká spořitelna").

The right to a dividend for 2009 adheres to those persons who were shareholders of the joint-stock company ČEZ, a. s., as to the record date for the creation of right to dividend. The record date for the creation of right to dividend is the date of Annual General Meeting which decided on payment of dividends, i.e. 29 June 2010.

Shareholders - legal entities that are not represented by administrators will be paid the dividend to their account opened with a bank in the Czech Republic based on an excerpt from the commercial register not older than 6 months, or an officially certified copy thereof delivered to Česká spořitelna, a.s. (hereinafter Česká spořitelna) together with a written request with the officially certified signature and indication of the account number and name of the bank where this account is opened. If the shareholder is based outside of the Czech Republic, it will also be called on to provide a certified translation into Czech of the confirmation of its tax domicile (if this confirmation is issued in a language other than Czech or Slovak), whereas the shareholder will procure this translation at its own expense.
The dividends will be paid to administrators based on their written request delivered to Česká spořitelna, to their account opened with a bank in the Czech Republic. Along with the written request with an officially certified signature and indication of the account number and name of the bank where this account is opened, the administrators will be obliged to submit an excerpt from the commercial register not older than 6 months for the shareholder - legal entities for which they perform the function of securities administrator, and confirmation of the tax domicile of the represented shareholders - natural persons whose permanent place of residence is outside of the Czech Republic or Slovak Republic, respectively shareholder - legal entities based outside of the Czech Republic. In cases where the securities administrator is registered in a special account at the Securities Centre, respectively the Central Security Depositary, the excerpt from the commercial register of the parties for which it performs the function of ČEZ securities administrator need not be submitted.
Shareholders - natural persons with permanent residence in the Czech Republic or their representatives will be paid the dividend in cash upon submission of an identification document at any branch of Česká spořitelna in the Czech Republic, or to their account opened with a bank in the Czech Republic based on their written request submitted to Česká spořitelna. The dividend will be paid to the shareholder's representative based on power of attorney signed by the shareholder. The authenticity of the shareholder's signature on such power of attorney or on the shareholder's request for credit transfer of the dividend must be officially certified only if the total value of the shareholder's dividend for payment exceeds CZK 500.

Shareholders - natural persons with permanent residence in the Slovak Republic will be paid the dividend in the period between 2 August 2010 and 29 October 2010 via the designated financial institution based in the Slovak Republic, namely Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s., with its registered office in Bratislava, Tomášikova street 48, Postal Code 832 37, registration number: 00151653, Slovak Republic (hereinafter Slovenská spořitelna).
The dividend will be paid to shareholders or their representatives in cash upon submission of an identification document at selected branches of Slovenská spořitelna in the Slovak Republic, or to their account opened with a bank in the Slovak Republic based on a written request delivered to Slovenská spořitelna. The dividend will be paid to the shareholder's representative based on submission of an identification document and power of attorney signed by the shareholder. The authenticity of the shareholder's signature on such power of attorney or on the shareholder's request for credit transfer of the dividend must be officially certified.
From 1 November 2010, shareholders - natural persons with permanent residence in the Slovak Republic or their representatives will be paid the dividend at any branch of Česká spořitelna in the Czech Republic, or to their account opened with a bank in the Czech Republic based on a written request submitted to Česká spořitelna. The shareholder's representative will be paid the dividend based on submission of his/her identification document, namely the citizenship card or passport, and power of attorney with the shareholder's signature. The authenticity of the shareholder's signature on such power of attorney or on the shareholder's request for credit transfer of the dividend must be officially certified only if payment is performed in the Czech Republic and the value of the dividend for payment exceeds CZK 500.
Shareholders - natural persons with permanent residence outside of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, who are not represented by an administrator, will be paid the dividend based on their written request delivered to Česká spořitelna to their account opened with a bank in the Czech Republic. Along with this written request with an officially certified signature, the shareholder will submit a certified translation into Czech of the confirmation of its tax domicile (if this confirmation is issued in a language other than Czech or Slovak), whereas the shareholder will procure this translation at his/her own expense.
Dividends are mature on 2 August 2010, whereas the payment of dividends to shareholders to an account at a financial institution will be performed without undue delay after Česká spořitelna, respectively Slovenská spořitelna, receives the shareholder's request in the meaning of the foregoing paragraphs. Payment of dividends ends on 2 August 2014.
The Board of Directors of ČEZ, a. s.