9. 6. 2008

Notifications about the payouts of yields on ČEZ, a. s. bonds, published in the last 12 months

In the last 12 months the ČEZ company published the following notifications about the yield payouts on the bonds:


Československá obchodní banka, a. s. as the administrator of ČEZ, a.s. bond, announces that on June 25, 2008 the interest yield payout and repayment of the nominal value of the  

ČEZ 3.35/2008 Bond

ISIN CZ0003501348

will take place in favour of the owners, who held these bearer bonds at the end of the day decisive for the interest yield payout and repayment of the nominal value, i.e. May 23, 2008. The date of the ex-coupon is set forMay 24, 2008.

The interest yield payout and repayment of the nominal value will be made by bank transfer into an account with a bank in the Czech Republic, on the basis of the written instruction of the bond holder (hereinafter referred to only as the Instruction), which will be delivered

by post to the following address:                                  or personally to the following address:

Československá obchodní banka, a. s.                     ČSOB

BO Mutual Funds and Payouts                                               BO Mutual Funds and Payouts

Ing. Marcela Černá                                                                 Ing. Marcela Černá

Radlická 333/150                                                                   Radlická 333/150

150 57 Prague 5                                                                    Prague5, tel. 224114841

The administrator will pay out to bond holders the interest yield and repay the nominal value on its maturity day if he receives the Instruction no later than five business days prior to the date of the interest yield payout and repayment of the nominal value. Bond holders, who hand in or send the Instruction within a period shorter than five business days prior to the payout date, will be paid the interest yield and repaid the nominal value no later than within five business days from the day of receiving the Instruction.