29. 4. 2010

Procedure within the Tender for Completion of the Temelín NPP

ČEZ, a. s. has received first documentation from all 3 bidders qualified for the Tender for completion of the Temelín NPP today. The documentation is related to the nuclear units being the subject matter of the Tender.

The bidders elaborated the documentation on the basis of special documents provided by ČEZ, a. s. in March 2010 together with the Call for Negotiations according to section 33 of Public Tender Act for the purpose of finding out and defining one or more suitable solutions that would meet the needs and requirements of ČEZ, a. s.

ČEZ, a. s. will study the bidders‘ documentation in the following period and will prepare for personal negotiation with individual qualified bidders that will take place this June and July.

ČEZ, a. s. will use the information received from qualified bidders for creation of tender documents. ČEZ is planning to provide the tender documents to the bidders in October 2010 challenging them to submit their bids next spring.