5. 1. 2009

The company will announce its expectations of the financial results of the year 2009 at the press conference on February 25, 2009

Today in section “Companies and Markets” Czech daily „Hospodarske noviny“ published a report headlined “ČEZ expects record profit this year too.” The report says ”…. Median of analysts´ expectations of the Company´s 2009 net profit, available at Bloomberg, … climbed to CZK 59.5 bn….”

In this respect we consider it appropriate to mention, that the above estimates originate mainly in the period before the financial and economical crisis fully broke out and, therefore, do not reflect the latest developments, mainly on the Central European Power market. ČEZ is a stable company with wide ranging activities, however, is not fully immune against the negative developments of global as well as domestic economy. ČEZ is currently finalizing its expectations of this year´s results and by far it does not expect its net profit would reach such heights. In line with its previous practice the company will announce its expectations of the financial results of this year at the press conference dedicated to 2008 results, which is scheduled for February 25, 2009.