9. 1. 2009

The shutdown of production block 3 at the Dukovany nuclear power plant this weekend will start a series of shutdowns for fuel replacement.

Inside Information

 The shutdown of production block 3 at the Dukovany nuclear power plant this weekend will start a series of shutdowns for fuel replacement.

 On 10 January 2009, one of the most demanding periodical shutdowns of the production block in the history of operation of the Dukovany nuclear power plant will start.

The shutdown of production block 3, which will take three months, will involve the replacement of fuel in the block 3 reactor, revision of a series of equipment, and modifications to improve the efficiency and output of block 3.

  Block 3 is the first production block this year where a shutdown for fuel replacement, the performance of planned revisions and investments will be performed. This will take place over the next three months. Once all the projects are completed, the block should attain an output of about 500 MW instead of the current 470 MW.

This increase is another step in the “Safe 16 Terawatt Hours from EDU” (B16T-EDU) project. The aim of the B16T-EDU project is the safe annual production of 16 terawatt hours instead of the 14 terawatt hours to date. The power plant should achieve this output after the year 2012.

The Dukovany power plant should thus fulfil one of the key parameters of the ČEZ Group’s Efficiency Programme.

The press conference for the results of 2008 and plans for 2009 at EDU will take place at the Dukovany nuclear power plant on 19 January 2009 at 12:30 p.m. This press conference will include a tour to the machine room of the reassembled and reconstruction production block 3.

Block operation, 8 January at 14:00:

bock 100% 469 MW

block 100% 463 MW

block 93.7% 425 MW at end of campaign

block 100% 467 MW

Since the start of operation, the Dukovany nuclear power plant has produced over 294 billion kilowatt hours without harmful emissions.