28. 6. 2019

An ignited can posed no threat to safety

Today, the intervention of firefighters in one of the auxiliary buildings at the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant lasted less than a minute. The reason was the ignition of a thinner can. Neither the plant's operation nor its safety was threatened. The event was without financial damage, no one was hurt. The power plant informed the State Office for Nuclear Safety about the event.

An electronic fire alarm system reported to the Temelín firefighters. Firefighters arrived in two minutes. They did not have to extinguish the fire; they just vented the room from the smoke and carried out checks. The fire cause will still be investigated.

The competent authorities were informed of the incident. In accordance with the Melk Agreement, information will also be forwarded to Austria. Although no one has been injured, no financial damage has occurred, the Austrian side is also informed about this type of events.

The event is preliminarily evaluated outside the INES scale since it does not affect plant operation and nuclear safety

Most recently, the Temelín power plant firefighters intervened just four years ago, when the hand dryer burned in the toilets.