31. 1. 2006

CEZ has submitted a binding offer for Romanian distribution company Electrica Muntenia Sud

CEZ Power Company has today submitted, within a privatization tender, an official binding offer for a 67.5 % share in the Romanian distribution company Electrica Muntenia Sud S.A.

„This is already a second privatization process in Romania that we have participated in. We succeeded in the previous one for Electrica Oltenia last year and we increased the number of CEZ Group´s end customers by 1.4 million. By entering the tender for the distribution company Electrica Muntenia we affirm that we care about our operation in the region very much. Our effort to strengthen the position on the market is natural as we continue fulfilling our vision to become the leader of the power market in Central and South-Eastern Europe“ said Martin Roman, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors. Electrica Muntenia Sud services over a million customers in the area of the capital city Bucharest and in the neighbouring regions of Giurgiu and Ilfov, and sells more than 4.5 TWh of electricity in a year. Electrica Muntenia Sud neighbours directly on the distribution company Electrica Oltenia, which has been a member of CEZ Group since last year.

CEZ Power Company entered into the privatization tender for the majority share in Electrica Muntenia Sud in the middle of September last year, and at the beginning of October it was accepted together with other nine interested parties.

By the acquisitions in Bulgaria and Romania up to now, CEZ has almost doubled the number of its end customers to the total 6.6 million and came up to the eighth place among the European power companies by this criterion.

CEZ Group has managed to succeed also in the area of electricity production within Central Europe. Today CEZ has concluded contracts about acquisitions of shares in two power plants, Skawina and Elcho, which are situated in Southern Poland near the Detmarovice plant. The transaction is to be settled in the following months of this year.

Eva Nováková, Press Officer, CEZ, a. s.