4. 4. 2024

ČEZ will shut down Unit 1 tomorrow evening for inspections and replacement of fuel assemblies

Inspections of safety systems and of the turbine, 71 investment actions or replacement of part of fuel assemblies. These are just examples of the most important works to be performed during the Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 planned outage. The utility will disconnect the unit from the transmission system tomorrow evening. In total, CEZ plans to do over seventeen thousand activities, for which it has preliminarily planned two months.

The actual disconnection of Unit 1 generator from the transmission system is planned for Friday evening at approximately one-third of the reactor's output. According to the power plant management, this will be a standard outage associated with important checks and investment activities.

"We will replace 48 of the total 163 fuel assemblies, checking for example the safety divisions or the reactor coolant pumps. The turbine and generator will also undergo a detailed inspection,"

said Jan Kruml, Director of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant.

The power plant is also facing 71 investment actions aimed at modernising and further strengthening the safety of the plant. Examples include the modernisation of an important safety system that provides power to the backup batteries, the replacement of the diesel generator exciter control system and the continued modernisation of the plant's control system.

"We are planning the shutdowns of the nuclear units in such a way as to avoid their overlap. This is important from the point of view of both the transmission system and the staffing capacity of our suppliers. Therefore, this time the start of the Temelín outage also follows the end of the outage at Dukovany,"

says Bohdan Zronek, member of the ČEZ Board of Directors and Director of the Nuclear Power Division.

Including the external suppliers, around a thousand people are involved in the outage works. It is the first planned outage at Temelín this year. The two-month outage of Unit 2 will start in mid-October.


Since the beginning of the year, the Temelín power plant has produced 4.7 terawatt hours of electricity. Together with Dukovany, these are sources that produce the largest amount of clean electricity and thus contribute significantly to ČEZ Group's emission-free production. Annually, approximately two tens of millions of tons of CO2 have not been released into the atmosphere thanks to nuclear power plants.