4. 5. 2007

Information from the NPP Temelín 89 / 2007

Unit 1 is in operation at planned power level. Unit 2 is will be in operation at full power level today till 18:30 o’clock, when the operations personnel will start reducing its power. At 21 o’clock, Unit 2 will be switched off the distribution grid and its planned two months outage will be started.

4. 5. 2007

During the outage, ¼ of the reactor fuel will be replaced. The same way as at the Unit 1 outage in this year, new nuclear fuel will be as well used for Unit 2. The most important work in the part of the unit will be the modernization of the flow through part of the HP turbine. After this modification, the power of the turbine generator will be increased at least by 20 MWe. The same modification of the turbine will be made at the Unit 1 outage in Summer. The turbine generator outage increase of 20 MWe is able to cover the annual electricity consumption of four Czech households within one hour.

Information on parameters of Unit 1 today on May 4, 2007 at 08:00 o‘clock:
· The Unit is in Mode 1- power operation
· The reactor power is 97 %
· Turbine generator output - 981 MWe
· The electricity production since beginning of the year: 837 047 MWh

Information on parameters of Unit 2 today on May 4, 2007 at 08:00 o‘clock:
· The Unit is in Mode 1- power operation
· The reactor power is 99 %
· Turbine generator output - 1010 MWe
· The electricity production since beginning of the year: 2 954 514 MWh

Marek Sviták
Spokesman of the ČEZ Group Nuclear Power Plant Temelín