9. 7. 2007

Information on NPP Temelín 132 / 2007

The first Unit is operated at a planned power level. At Unit 2, all planned physical tests at the reactor power level up to 1% RTP have been completed. All auxiliary systems of the power plant are working in accordance with their operation needs.

July 9, 2007

Yesterday evening, the operations personnel started to increase the reactor power to 30% RTP. It is at that power level that additional planned physical tests are performed. Also, the first turning of the turbine for the needs of its balancing after modernization will occur. After completion of all planned tests and after the basic turbine balancing, Unit 2 will be ready to restart the electricity production and synchronize with the distribution grid.

Information on parameters at Unit 1 today on July 9, 2007 at 08:45 o‘clock:
· Unit is in Mode 1 - power operation
· Reactor power is 97 %
· Turbine generator output - 981 MWe
· Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 2 356 359 MWh

Information on parameters at Unit 2 today on July 9, 2007 at 08:45 o‘clock:
· The Unit is in Mode 1
· Reactor power is 30 %
· Turbine generator output - 0 MWe
· Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 2 975 006 MWh

Václav BROM
ČEZ Group Spokesman Nuclear Power Plant Temelín