17. 9. 2007

Information on NPP Temelín 182 / 2007

At Unit 1, a planned outage is under way, that is connected with the annual refueling of 1/4 of the reactor fuel. Unit 2 is in operation at planned power level. All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with the operation needs of individual units.

During the weekend, the hot pressure tests of both the primary and secondary unit parts have been successfully completed. The goal of them was to verify at the pressure of 17,6 MPa in the primary part and at 8,8 MPa in the secondary the leak-tightness of both power plant’s circuits prior to the unit’s restart.

On Sunday morning, the inspection of the reactor core loading has been performed and the reactor has been subsequently sealed by the inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency

The works related to the unit’s restart continue. The outage schedule assumes that Unit 1 will resume its operation at the end of September.

Information on parameters at Unit 1 today on September 17, 2007 at 8:30 o‘clock:

  • Unit is in Mode 4
  • Reactor power is 0 %
  • Turbine generator output - 0 MWe
  • Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 2 964 775 MWh

Information on parameters at Unit 2 today on September 17, 2007 at 8:30 o‘clock:

  • Unit is in Mode 1 - power operation
  • Reactor power is 100 %
  • Turbine generator output - 1006 MWe
  • Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 4 564 421 MWh