1. 10. 2007

Information on NPP Temelín 191 / 2007

Both the first and the second Units are operated at a planned power levels. All auxiliary systems of the power plant are working in accordance with the operation needs.

Yesterday afternoon, power tests at a reactor power of 80% RTP have been completed at NPP Temelín Unit 1. Currently, the operations personnel increases step by step the reactor power up to 100% RTP. It will be at this power level that the last series of power tests will be carried out. They are performed after each accomplished unit outage and pursue in particular the power distribution within the reactor core at full reactor power.

Information on parameters at Unit 1 today on October 1, 2007 at 9:30 o‘clock:

  • Unit is in Mode 1- power operation
  • Reactor power is 98 %
  • Turbine generator output - 976 MWe
  • Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 3 035 259 MWh

Information on parameters at Unit 2 today on October 1, 2007 at 9:30 o‘clock:

  • Unit is in Mode 1 - power operation
  • Reactor power is 100 %
  • Turbine generator output – 1006 MWe
  • Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 4 902 963 MWh

Marek Sviták
Spokesman of the ČEZ Group
Nuclear Power Plant Temelín