29. 3. 2007

Information on NPP Temelín 64/2007

Unit 2 is in operation at planned power level. At Unit 1, a planned outage is under way.

March 29, 2007

Within the preparation of Unit 1 to its startup after refueling, the power plant’s workers will fill the reactor and the primary circuit with water tonight. Subsequently, the pressure test under cold conditions at 0,39 MPa will be performed. It is a test, the purpose of which is to verify the correctness of the assembly works of all parts of the primary circuit. It was at this test that the leak was found on the flange of the incore measurements outlet about 3 weeks ago and approximately 1 m3 of slightly radioactive water leaked from the reactor. After the verification of the assembly correctness, additional pressure tests will be done on the primary circuit, the first one under cold conditions at a pressure of 3,3 MPa and the other at a pressure of 17,65 MPa after the primary circuit heatup. The normal operation pressure in the primary circuit is 15,7 MPa. These operations are standardly done prior to each reactor startup after refueling. Maximum attention and care are given to their preparation as well as their performance. Each operation is subjected to multiple checks.
All auxiliary systems are working in accordance with the operation needs of individual units.

Information on parameters at Unit 1 today on March 29, 2007 at 14:00 o‘clock:
· Unit is in Mode 6
· Reactor power is 0 %
· Turbine generator output - 0 MWe
· Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 579 239 MWh

Information on parameters at Unit 2 today on March 29, 2007 at 14:00 o‘clock:
· Unit is in Mode 1 - power operation
· Reactor power is 99 %
· Turbine generator output - 1010 MW
· Electricity production since the beginning of the year: 2 080 275 MWh

Milan Nebesář
Spokesman of the CEZ Group
Temelín NPP