18. 5. 2006

Net profit of CEZ (consolidated) in the first quarter of this year increased by 39 per cent to 10.4bn CZK

CEZ Power Company reached net profit of 10,371bn CZK in the first quarter of the year, which was a year-on-year increase of 39 per cent. Operating profit of CEZ Group was 14,816m CZK. The growth was mainly influenced by an increase in trade margin, higher sales, a significant improvement in the economic performance of Bulgarian distribution companies of CEZ Group and enlargement of the Group by the Romanian distribution company Electrica Oltenia. While revenues rose, the company managed to keep its costs under control and they grew at a lower pace.

„The economic results prove a very good company condition, especially in the field of operating performance. More and more do the results reflect our foreign acquisitions that have already been realized. The operating profit of Bulgarian distribution companies almost doubled compared to the previous year. We have also managed to acquire first production resources in addition to the Bulgarian and Romanian distribution companies. Due to the purchase of the Polish power plants Elcho and Skawina and newly the Bulgarian Varna, our production capacity rose by full 17 per cent. That is a good ground for us to continue to bring good news to our share-holders,“ said Martin Roman, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of CEZ.

The electricity production in CEZ Group power plants reached 16,763 GWh in the first quarter of this year and was 4 per cent up on the previous year. It was the highest-ever production of CEZ in the first quarter.

The electricity demand in the Czech Republic increased by 5.7 per cent compared to the previous year, the rise deducted by the influence of the cold weather in the first quarter of this year was 4.4 %. The ongoing growth of the Czech economy is being evident, when electricity consumption is always connected with the GDP development with about a 6.0 coefficient. Household consumption rose by 6.7 %, industrial enterprises consumption by 6.5 %.

There were 29,817 employees in CEZ Group as of the end of March, and the number fell by 2,271 mainly owing to the proceeding integration of CEZ Group.

„The economic results for the first quarter make us change the anticipated amount of CEZ Group´s net profit for the whole year. Net profit should be around 27.2bn CZK, which is 0.5bn CZK more than the original plan,“ said Petr Voboril director of finance division.

Ladislav Kříž

Press Officer, CEZ, a.s.