7. 12. 2017

On Friday night, the Unit 1 of Temelín NPP will be as planned shut down for refueling

The technicians at the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant plan to perform over 16 thousand activities during the Unit 1 outage. The outage starts on Friday evening and ČEZ company plans it for a period of fewer than three months. During the outage, one third of the fuel will be replaced. The technicians will check the turbine and security systems or will modernize the pressurizer that is a device controlling pressure in the reactor. For the second time only, all outage works will be managed from a dedicated control center.

At present, the outage comprises over 16 thousand activities. Others will be added depending on the results of the checks during the outage. The replacing of one third of the fuel is among the most important work activities. To be exact, 54 out of 163 fuel assemblies will be replaced. The outage also used by the technicians to perform maintenance and a series of checks. For example, all three low-pressure rotor parts and generator rotor will be checked, works will be also done in the turbine oil system. In addition to inspections and routine maintenance, about seventy investment projects will be carried out. The modernization of the safety valves of the pressurizer will be among the most demanding. It consists of modifying their structure and completion of the routes for the removal of non-condensable gases. The same upgrading took place during the summer outage of Unit 2.

All outage works will be governed by engineers from a special control centre. For the first time, power engineers used this model during the summer outage of Unit 2. An area of 500 square meters will accommodate forty experts of the power plant as well as from suppliers. They will be only separated by about meter high screens. This method has worked well because it has accelerated and simplified communication between plant workers and suppliers, which is important during the outage.

Around one thousand people will participate in the outage, which will include over sixteen thousand individual activities in a period of fewer than three months. The outage of Unit 2 took place from mid-May till the end of July, it lasted 73 days and ČEZ utility mastered it with a ten day's advance.

Since the beginning of the year, Temelín has produced 15,8 TWh of electricity.


Ing. Marek Sviták
Temelín NPP ČEZ Group Spokesman