21. 6. 2019

Temelín will replace fuel at Unit 2

Refueling, safety system checks, sixty investment projects, or replacement of an electricity generation part. These are just examples of the most important works to be performed during the planned Unit 2 outage. Overall, technicians are planning to carry out nearly twelve thousand activities and want to do everything within two months.

Unit 2 was in operation since August 30 last year. The power plant's shutdown is planned for Friday night and will occur at approximately one-third of the reactor rated power. “During each outage, works with fuel, safety system checks, and investment operations are all important, further enhancing safety and efficiency. In addition, there is a lot of work to be done around the turbine and generator in this outage, we will change its rotor and shield,” emphasized Jan Kruml, Director of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. On the turbine generator, the technicians will work the whole outage. “We will place a backup rotor into the generator. The manufacturer will then review the existing one and this will serve as a backup in the years to come,” Kruml added.

Technicians regularly replace a part of fuel during the outage. This time, 42 of the 163 fuel assemblies will be replaced in the reactor. Work with spent fuel containers will also be important for the total length of the outage. Two containers will be moved from the pool next to the reactor to the warehouse on the power plant site. One of them will be from a new supplier, Škoda JS.

“We tried the new Czech container already during the Unit 1 outage and now we will insert the spent fuel in it for the first time. I am not expecting any complications, but everything will, of course, take place with the utmost emphasis on safety and with regard to ensuring long-term operation,” explained Bohdan Zronek, Member of the Board of Directors and Director of the Nuclear Power Division of ČEZ.

Important work will also include checks of safety divisions. Also, technicians are planning to manage sixty investment projects. For example, an important reconstruction of the inner surface of one of the largest Temelín pipelines will continue, connecting the cooling towers with the technology inside the turbine hall.http://virtualniprohlidky.cez.cz/cez-temelin/

Including the external suppliers, around a thousand people are involved in the outage works. It is the second planned outage at Temelín this year. In the spring, Unit 1 was shut down for two months.



Since the beginning of the year, the Temelín power plant has produced 7.328 terawatt hours of electricity. Together with Dukovany, these are sources that produce the largest amount of clean electricity and thus contribute significantly to ČEZ Group's emission-free production.Annually, approximately two tens of millions of tons of CO2 have not been released into the atmosphere thanks to nuclear power plants.



Ing. Marek Sviták
Temelín NPP ČEZ Group Spokesman