22. 5. 2007

Temelín will replace one part of the turbine generator rotor and will increase its output to at least 1020 MWe

This year, turbines will be modernized at Temelín. The company ŠKODA POWER a.s. will deliver high pressure turbines, internal bodies and guide wheels including their supports. The modernization will bring an increase of the high pressure turbines efficiency and the unit output will increase minimally to 1020 MWe. The modifications will be made in the course of units’ planned outages. Currently, the modifications are implemented at Unit 2 and in September and October they will be made at Unit 1.

The company ŠKODA POWER a.s. has in the past four years invested into new production technologies and software and has new manufacturing machines. That enables it to achieve a new quality in the contracts. ŠKODA POWER has already used some new technologies at the modernization of the high pressure turbines of Temelín in the past two years. “All performed modifications will contribute to the provision of a reliable and economical power plant operation at least till 2042. In addition to the replacement of the rotors, internal bodies and guide wheels, a part of the contract are will be also the supervision of the assembly, complex testing, guarantee measurements ad personnel training,” says Jiří Šmondrk, the Director of Implementations of ŠKODA POWER a.s.

In the course of the inspections of the high pressure turbine, during the 2004 outages, faults have been detected in the locations of the blades gripping of some moving wheels to the rotor itself. The rotors have been modified by the manufacturer in the next year. The ČEZ company considered the option to join the problem removal with a concurrent turbine generator output increase and, finally, proceeded to the implementation of this modernization. ČEZ expects that an increase of the machine reliability and, in the same time, the annual electricity production at Temelín will occur. The invested means will this way return to the company within three years at the concurrent maintenance of the reactor power. The contract value is almost CZK 700 million.

“We understand the modernization as one of the largest ecological investments of the ČEZ company in this year. The electricity production by nuclear power does not generate greenhouse gases. Due to the implemented modification, we will increase the installed power of Temelín by at least 52 MW at both units. This corresponds almost to the installed power of the wind power plants in the Czech Republic that was 56 MW at the end of March. We have the potential to produce annually 350 thousand MWhr of electricity due to the increased output without releasing 350 thousand tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere“, so explained Vladimír Hlavinka, the NPP Temelín Director, the ecological relationships of the modernization.

Several technical data to the turbine generator output:

An increase of the electric power by ca. 26 MW will be achieved by the turbine modernization and, namely, only by the increase of the efficiency of the thermal cycle in the new high pressure turbine. The rated electric output determined by the Initial Design has been calculated: 981 MWe. The working design determined the electric power at current conditions to 994 MWe and, after the implemented modernization, it will be 1020 MWe. The achievable output given by the technical conditions of the equipment but also by the temperature of the cooling water can be expected on the level of 1050 MWe after the modernization. By this time, the Temelín NPP Unit 1 turbine generator achieved the maximum output on September 11, 2004, namely 1021,4 MWe.

Marek Sviták
ČEZ Group Spokesman Nuclear Power Plant Temelín